I first met Thingy in Surat
Thani. He was very scared and sneaking around a small plot of banana trees
desperate for something to eat. Anything, even dirt would do. Thingy gets picked on by all the other dogs because he looks funny is really scabby and has almost no hair and is very ugly. He's a bit of a freak and all the other dogs growl and bite him to show how tough they can be and sometimes they all gang up on him and it's really nasty and unfair. Thingy, as I call him, is sort of a not dog, dog. He's trying to be a dog but he lost his way. Now, he purely
exists in a world of total fear running from anything and everything. Even a cricket is enough to send him off into the bush for cover. When I saw Thingy I tried to feed him some rice cakes but he was way to suspicious of anyone actually trying to feed him. That sort of thing just doesn't happen in
Thingy's world. He scampered off down the road but couldn't go too far because he would be infringing on other dogs territory and well, you know what that means. Ouch! Not fun at all. Very sore legs and tail that's for sure. Maybe even lose an ear or get your eye chewed out. So, as I felt a special connection to Thingy and I developed a plan. First, I trapped him in a
mosquito net and took him to a remote island in the South of Thailand. There I fed him lots of good things like chicken and
mangos and slowly but surely, I gained his trust. There were no other dogs on the island so Thingy could run free in the knowledge that he was the top dog. Boy did he love to run around that beach pretending he was scaring off all the ghosts of the big nasty dogs. We built bungalows on this exotic paradise, Thingy and I, and lots of backpackers came to stay and they all loved Thingy. Everyone wanted to pet him and let him lick their ears. He became know throughout the world as the best dog ever and we named the island
Thingy's Island in his honour. You'll see it now listed in the Lonely Planet as one of the best places to go and people come to have a magical engaging experience with Thingy whom is also said to have healing abilities and when people hug him all their ills disappear. Everybody says he is an incredible dog and quite probably the best damn dog that ever lived. Thingy and I have just gotten engaged I would like to invite all of you to attend the wedding. Please bring your swimming trunks and sun block and most of all, don't forget to bring the dog a bone.
Oh, what a load of rubbish! Sorry Thingy but I'm afraid it's back to the banana plot to hide in the darkness but you can always dream!
Rozzaroni made me do it! She liked Ricksters blog because he tells nice dog stories! Well, I tried!
Pat you are redeemed!
How I wish it were true.
Are you sure he's a dog?
Looks like a piggy.
Man you had me fooled i wish it were true all hope in the world is lost
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