Friday, February 2, 2007

Found Art!

Many full moon parties ago on the northern end of Sumatra, Special (aka Super) and I came across a young banana tree whislt walking through the jungle. I recalled a recipe that I'd come across in Asia (The Complete Cook Book), the bible of Asian cookery according to Clarissa (Fat Lady), and it was for a Korean hot pot which required the root of a young banana tree. Not something you can easily pick up down the Safeway. I decided to uproot it, cut out the young root bulb, wrap it up in plastic and pack it away in my ruck sack, thinking that when I returned home to London in a months time it would have dried out and be well ready for cooking. Sadly, it just turned to rotten mush! The Korean hot pot was put on hold! For now however, here in India, I have found new inspiration! Banana sculpture! This is a Duchampian ready made par excellence! Clearly Tate worthy! Dare I pack it and take it home?

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